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How to Change Git Remote Origin: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Changing the remote origin of your Git repository is a common task, especially when you need to move your repository to a different hosting service or update its URL. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of changing the remote origin of your Git repository. Prerequisites Before you begin, make sure you have the following: A Git repository with the current remote origin. A new URL or location where you want to set the new remote origin. Step 1: Verify the Current Remote Origin URL Open your terminal and navigate to your Git repository's root directory. Use the following command to view your current remote configuration: git remote -v This command will display the current remote origin URL, fetch URL, and push URL. Step 2: Remove the Current Remote Origin (Optional) If you wish to completely remov
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Deploying a React Project on an Ubuntu Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Deploying a React project on an Ubuntu server is a crucial step to make your web application accessible to users worldwide. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of deploying a React project on an Ubuntu server, complete with step-by-step instructions and accompanying images to guide you along the way. Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure you have the following: An Ubuntu server (either a physical server or a virtual machine) Basic knowledge of the Linux command line Node.js and npm installed on your server Your React project's build files ready for deployment Step 1: Connect to Your Ubuntu Server Begin by accessing your Ubuntu server using SSH. Open your terminal and run the following command: ssh username@server_ip_address Replace username with your server's username and server_ip_address with your server's actual IP address. Step 2: Update

How to solve internet problem for ubuntu in virtual box?

You can access internet on virtual box by two way one is bridge network or host only. today i show you the host only option. First you need to create a Host only network in virtual box virtual box -> file -> preferences -> network -> Host-only network  Click add button Click DHCP, click Enable Server Select virtual OS, go to setting -> network Now login to your ubuntu os and do the following            sudoedit /etc/network/interfaces # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # NAT auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp # Host only auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp After VM reboot hope everything worked fine.

How to create table/Column

To create Column need to add some code in storage-conf.xml.The next thing we need to do is to locate and configure the database storage-conf.xml file.which is found in conf folder.Open the storage-conf.xml in your favorite text Add the following code under tag. <Keyspace Name="Blog">         <ColumnFamily Name="Post"                       ColumnType="Super"                       CompareWith="UTF8Type"                       CompareSubcolumnsWith="UTF8Type"                       Comment="A column family with supercolumns, whose column and subcolumn names are UTF8 strings"                      />     </Keyspace> save it.The above configuration creates one Column Family(or table).called Posts in a Keyspace (or database ) called Blog. We are going to use this column family in our code below.

Cassandra Installation on WindowsXP

1. About Cassandra : Cassandra is an open source distributed database management system. It is an Apache Software Foundation top-level project designed to handle very large amounts of data spread out across many commodity servers while providing a highly available service with no single point of failure. It is a No SQL solution that was initially developed by Facebook and powers their Inbox Search feature. Want to Know more? Visit Cassandra database Apache Cassandra 2 . Cassandra Installation on WindowsXP First we need to download Cassandra. For Download Cassandra Click this link Download . Now unzip the file and put it into a drive where you want to install Cassandra .you can change the folder name cause deafult name is "apache-cassandra-0.5.1" .its to long to remember easily.So i change my unzip folder name to "cassandra". Now we have our Cassandra in a spacific drive.Lets go install and configur Cassandra database on windowsXP .You need to insta